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Update Appsmith

This page provides steps to update Appsmith to the latest version on your self-hosted Appsmith instance.

System requirements

  • At least 2 GB of free storage space for backup and update tasks.


Update on Docker

Before you begin the Appsmith update, ensure you have met all the prerequisites, and your current Appsmith version is v1.9.2 or later. If you're not on this version, see the Upgrade to checkpoint version guide.

Follow these steps to update Appsmith, use these instructions to update Appsmith on any platform that supports Docker (Docker, AWS AMI, or DigitalOcean).

  1. Go to the Appsmith installation directory. If you don't know the directory, find it with:
docker inspect -f '{{ (index .Mounts 0).Source }}' <APPSMITH_CONTAINER_ID>
  1. Update the Appsmith installation to the latest version with:
docker-compose pull && docker-compose rm -fsv appsmith && docker-compose up -d

The above command pulls the latest image of Appsmith and updates the installation after restarting the Docker container.

You may choose to schedule automatic updates for your Appsmith Docker installation. For more information, see Schedule Automatic Updates for Docker installation.

Update on Kubernetes

Before you begin the update, ensure you have met all the prerequisites. Follow these steps to update Appsmith:

  • If you are on the Community Edition, update the installation to the latest release with:

    kubectl rollout restart statefulset appsmith
  • If you are on the Commerical Edition, update the Appsmith container image to the latest release with:

    kubectl rollout restart deployment appsmith

You may choose to schedule automatic updates for your Appsmith Kubernetes installation. For more information, see Schedule Automatic Updates for Kubernetes installation.

Update on AWS ECS EC2

Before you begin the update, ensure you have met all the prerequisites. Follow the below steps using the Classic Amazon Web Console to update Appsmith:

  1. Log in to your AWS account.
  2. Go to the Amazon ECS console.
  3. Choose the cluster that has the container instance you wish to update.
  4. Click the Tasks tab.
  5. Select and click the task you wish to update.
  6. Click the Stop button to stop the task. Wait for the automatic deployment of a new task to complete.
  7. Verify that the updated version of your application is running as expected.

Update on Azure container instance

Before you begin the update, ensure you have met all the prerequisites.

  1. Navigate to the Azure Container Instance (ACI) on the Azure Portal.
  2. Click the ACI running Appsmith.
  3. Click the Restart button.
  4. Wait until the ACI restarts with the latest Appsmith release.

Update on DigitalOcean


It's recommended to back up the Appsmith instance before performing an update. For more information, see How to Create a backup.

SSH into your droplet and run the following command:

cd /root/appsmith && docker-compose pull && docker-compose rm -fsv appsmith && docker-compose up -d

If you have updated your Appsmith instance and face any issues. You can roll back the changes and restore the Appsmith instance from a backup archive.


If you see errors, roll back to a previous version to fix the issue. For more information, see the Restore instance section. If you continue to face issues, contact the support team using the chat widget at the bottom right of this page.